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Hair ruined like 2 other reviewers - opposite done to what I asked (trim). Cried most of night - cant believe someone literally chopped off 8" of hair when request for 3" to be cut and THEN pulled back & cut sides into uneven feather cut whilst he tipped my head down. Stylist actually knew was ruining it as said "just to even it all up now" before major chopping. Stopped fiance going there yesterday to confront them as I now look ugly like a 3 yr old got hold of scissors and chopped it. I think was DELIBERATE. Had to make appt elsewhere to most likely have a short hair cut JUST to even out disgusting cut as much as possible. Fiance may still go into salon behind my back to ask why it was done because now I cant wear the tiara I bought for my wedding day in 8 weeks as not enough hair left to put in up-do.

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